Autism Design Principles for Schools

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Autism Design Principles for Schools

Good Autism Practice
Early Years
Autism Design Principles for Schools

An introduction to our Autism Design Principles

‘As part of the Autism in Schools programme funded by NHS England, we at the Autism Education Trust have been working across the London region with our Partners for the last three years to secure improvements in education for autistic children and young people.  

One of our key themes at the AET is enabling environments.  

We know that the environment is a fundamental part of creating a positive education for autistic children and young people…Although there is a duty for settings to make reasonable adjustments, these small changes may only make the environment bearable, rather than a place in which an autistic or neurodivergent learner can thrive… 

The AET is therefore committed to exploring the learning spaces of the future; educational spaces where autistic and other neurodivergent learners are included by design and can feel safe, secure and empowered to learn.’ 

Dr Sarah Broadhurst 

This Guide forms part of this commitment. 

In it you will find: 

  • Guidance
  • Case Studies 

This will enable you to embed neuro-inclusive design principles to create more supportive and enabling learning environments for all autistic children and young people.